THE BEGINNING - Two Become One

We are the proud descendants of

Walter Speight

of Snow Hill, North Carolina


Walter Speight, the son of Robert (Bob) Speight and Emma Brown was raised in Greene County, North Carolina. Walter had 4 sisters Clyde, Lizzie, Nora, and Lillie; and one brother, Sim.  Their family lived as sharecroppers for many years.

As a young man, Walter met Hattie Sauls, the daughter of Isaac and Nallie Sauls.  Hattie’s family were sharecroppers and landowners in Greene County.  She had one sister, Mariah (Missy), and six brothers, George, Eddie, Lubbie, Walter, Johnny, and Isaac.

Walter and Hattie were soon married and growing their family.  To this union, eleven children were created:  Will, Gary, Walter (Jack), Roosevelt (Boug), Pryann, Ervin, Thomas, Emma, Hattie, Ethel (Poke), and Lizzie (Mice).  They were all hard workers and very close-knitted.  The Speight family made a good life for themselves and always managed to have enough to share, even when there was just a little. After the loss of Hattie, Walter Speight married his second wife Latha (Wade-Edwards) Speight.  Through their union, a son, Walter "Tommy" Speight, Jr. was born.

The Speight family was known for their generosity and love.  They were also gifted with singing and could repair just about anything that was broken.  They worked their farms
during the days and enjoyed good meals and harmonized their favorite songs during the evenings.  They looked forward to putting on their "Sunday clothes" to attend church.  Walter and his family were humble servants in God’s house where they enjoyed Bible teachings, worshipping with songs, and heartfelt prayers.

Visitors were always welcome to their home and they were never too busy or too tired to invite them in and offer a bite to eat.  Many saw their home as a place of refuge when they needed a listening ear, thoughtful advice, or just a warm hug. Others gravitated to them for the laughter, good music, and great meals. Our family left us a wonderful legacy and we are grateful and proud to be their descendants.

Today, we remain hard workers are now business owners, CEO’s, educators, and highly accomplished self-trained laborers.  Some have served in the military and many have earned college degrees and prestigious commendations and titles in their areas of expertise. We are builders, mechanics, singers, musicians, beauticians, seamstresses, preachers, teachers, writers, nurses, office directors, world travelers, and computer technicians.  We get excited about our family reunion gatherings where we celebrate each other and pay homage to our ancestors who left us our rich heritage. Our roots run deep and God’s grace enables us to be a family that prays together and stays together!

All the glory belongs to him!
Walter and Hattie's Children
Walter and Hattie's Children